Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rare hat from leap part is the....
also another furniture came back!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I also forgot today that a new cape from epic wonders is here! im so sorry bout that guys!

rare hat

Today's rare is a rare phantom hat !
you can purchase this item in Saperia Forest  

Monday, January 21, 2013

HAT ^.^

Hai guys^.^

so i've been thinking....maybe i should still do this blogging thing. so... i will now update every single day! but im sure theres other blogs who are better. but i will try! thanks for your support!


this hat just came out of the rare hat days ! thats cool.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

ice phantom staute


its back for another time. im sorry once again  i horrible for not posting.... but i hope you gave forgive me and once in a while check the blog! that will really help thx :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hey guys!
Im so sorry about not posting some went wrong with my account and i couldnt blog no more but now im back on blogging! I know that im really late and that theres lots of updates but i will blog as soon as possible. your support will really help! also Christmas is coming up and i wanted to say happy early christmas!